What can you do after you receive prayer? Firstly and as always, thank and praise God – He is our Deliverer, our Healer, and our Counselor! After that, there are a few things you can do that can be helpful to you, our ministry, and those who are seeking God’s touch.
Deliverance & Healing “Self-Maintenance”
After you prayer session for deliverance and/or healing, you may experience some form of spiritual warfare. Very often this will come in the form of lies and ungodly thoughts. Examples of some of these thoughts you may experience are:
- You were not delivered/healed
- You are condemned and not forgiven
- You are forgotten and not loved
These some examples of some of the lies you may experience. Here is what you need to do:
- Pay attention and be aware of when the enemy is strikes (often with lies or ungodly thoughts).
- Praying something like “in the name of Jesus, I reject this thought and I do not accept it” helps a great deal.
- Be more persistent than the enemy!
Update Us
After about a week, please update us. Any of the following information would be helpful:
- How you are doing after your prayer session
- What the difference is before and after you received prayer
- What did you noticed in relation to this situation(s) (which you received prayer for) that is worth mentioning
It would be nice to know how you are doing and it is also helpful to understand what was effective for you and your situation.
Share Your Testimony
Consider sharing your testimony. Sharing your testimony will help motivate those that are serving/volunteering. It will also encourage those that are seeking God and His touch.
Tell Others
If you’ve felt blessed by your Prayer Session or this Ministry, please spread the word by telling others. There may be others who have a need but they may not be aware of what is available to them.